To create wedge mesh you should create a 3D mesh in a first place.
Настройка распараллеленного расчета с помощью OpenFOAM на двух локальных компьютерах
Рассмотрим настройку двух локальных компьютеров с Ubuntu, соединенных по LAN, для распараллеленного расчета с помощью пакета OpenFOAM:
Parallel simulation with OF on two local PC machines
sampleDict example in OpenFOAM
To sample data from OF case solution you can use sampledict file in case/system folder with the following content:
PISO algorithm in OpenFOAM
Thermophysical properties of Sodium for OpenFOAM Boussinesq solvers
Polynomial Properties of Liquid Sodium
Polynomial Properties of Water for OpenFOAM 2.3
Calculator for k, epsilon and omega variables in CFD simulation cases
To calculate turbulent energy of dissipation, generation and specific dissipation rate, use this simple utility: