Merge a number of pdf files in a single file on Linux
Git commit messaging tips
If applied, this commit will <commit message> The commit type can include the following: feat – a new feature is introduced with the changesfix – a bug fix has occurredchore – changes that do not relate to a fix or feature and don’t modify src or test files (for example updating dependencies)refactor – refactored code […]
How to split larger files into smaller in Ubuntu
Conda commands
Remove Linux kernel manually
In terminal: dpkg –list | grep linux-image sudo apt-get purge <name from previous output> These steps generally work for me, first make sure you boot into the desired version of the kernel you would want to remove: rm /boot/{config-,initrd.img-,,vmlinuz-}`uname -r` rm -rf /lib/modules/`uname -r` sudo update-grub reboot – this should not reboot you back to […]
Changing mouse wheel speed in Ubuntu
Создание ссылки на файл в Linux
Настройка распараллеленного расчета с помощью OpenFOAM на двух локальных компьютерах
Рассмотрим настройку двух локальных компьютеров с Ubuntu, соединенных по LAN, для распараллеленного расчета с помощью пакета OpenFOAM: