To sample data from OF case solution you can use sampledict file in case/system folder with the following content:
interpolationScheme cellPoint; setFormat raw; sets ( leftPatch { type uniform; axis y; start ( 0 0.5 0.25 ); end ( 0 2 0.25 ); nPoints 100; } ); fields ( sigmaxx );
To plot the data with Gnuplot you can use the following script:
#!/usr/bin/gnuplot plot 'postProcessing/sets/100/leftPatch_sigmaxx.xy' using 1:2 w lines, '' set terminal postscript portrait enhanced mono dashed lw 1 'Helvetica' 14 set output '1.png'
set terminal png transparent nocrop enhanced size 450,320 font "arial,8" set output 'plateHole.png' #set key inside left top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitle box lt black linewidth 1.000 dashtype solid plot [0.5:2] [0:] 'postProcessing/sets/100/leftPatch_sigmaxx.xy' title 'openfoam', 1e4*(1+(0.125/(x**2))+(0.09375/(x**4))) title 'analytic'
You can download example here: platehole archive I or platehole archive II.